A Little Self-Love Never Hurts
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The retreat began as a cool crisp morning at about 55 degrees and a light breeze, Crystal Baker prepared a very healthy and organic breakfast for the group. We sat around a nice warm fire and listened to the wind blowing through the trees, it was quite serene. Shortly there following there was the first round of yoga with lots of stretching followed by breathing we worked through this beautiful morning.
After the first session, Crystal walked us through the many encouraging pages of love and self-worth. Much of it was focused on the little things in life we let bother us; we had to just let that go, today was about us. We learned about the Heart Chakra and the importance of it when if come to the spiritual power in the human body. Before we finished we all wrote 5 ways we promise to love ourselves; turns out many of ours were the same.
Following that we did round 2 of yoga, it was a little more intense for beginners such as myself. Battling a little bit of vertigo I did fall once maybe twice but who is counting! After our last session I felt nice and stretched maybe a little tired. We enjoyed Roasted Bell Pepper soup and fresh salad with many toppings. The temperature was now at a beautiful 75 degrees with the light breeze, it was quite amazing.
Next on the agenda we went on a small 25 minute hike; first to the waterfall and then off to the creek, here we caught a peak at the neighbor’s horses. As the sun beat down on us on the gorgeous day, we walked in silence and took in every moment of nature; the birds chirping, the rustle of the squirrels playing catch in the trees, it was peaceful.
To finish up our day of self-love we sat through a guided meditation. Her soothing voice and the breeze in the background nearly put me to in a sleep coma; it set me in a deeply relaxing puddle of mush, where nothing mattered. I was taken back to a memory of a beautiful golden beach with crystal blue water, I felt like I was there all over again, the happiness was so powerful.
Inhale deeply, exhale completely. Namaste
Ashley St.Clair
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